Selasa, 29 November 2016

The First Step To Draw With CorelDraw

n this tutorial we will learn the first stage draw with CorelDraw, drawing with CorelDraw is a very pleasant thing.

application is easy resume for use with fasilitasl or a complete tool for creating your design. langakh first for a beginner who barusaja using CorelDraw can follow the steps as follows: Step Draw 1. At the beginning lawayar, click Start> New Docummen 

  • Melalui Menubar CorelDraw, Klik File > New
2. Give the file name of your design in the box Text Name
  • from the box above you can choose your design file Diman will you save.
CorelDraw | You need to consider

Type your worksheet using RGB or CMYK color because barpengaruh when you print the results anga designs.
  • If using CMYK color then marna is ready for printing
  • if you use the RGB color then you are more diutaman design for the purpose of digital-based, such as web design, online brochures and other sebaginya.
How to Change the color of your worksheet

for color RGB> select Windows > Color Palette > RGB
to color CMYK> Select Windows > Color Palette > CMYK

nah it's a little bit how to create a new design dengen CorelDraw, may be useful yes ..

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